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Sunday 1 January 2017

Make any old, slow or infected computer super fast again with this insane $25 device

Amazing $25 USB Stick Blocks Hackers, Viruses and other Digital Pests from Accessing Your Personal Data

Clever new device is saving people hundreds (even thousands) and the big computer companies aren't happy about it!

If you want to protect your PC from hackers and viruses, there’s a simple $25 device that plugs into your USB slot and keeps your private files locktight safe. And if this past year is anything to go by, EVERYBODY needs this device.
Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerberg and Venus Williams are just three among the millions of people who’ve had private emails, online profiles and personal files stolen by hackers. This includes:
  1. 500 million Yahoo accounts hacked
  2. $65 million stolen from a Bitcoin exchange
  3. 30,000 FBI and Homeland Security agent profiles stolen
  4. $21 billion in credit card information ($4900 per household).
And it’s not just big companies, banks and government offices at risk. Every home PC is vulnerable to the latest hacking techniques and sophisticated viruses.
Thankfully there is a way of protecting your private photos, videos and private files for just $25..

Grandmother’s PC Saved from Infection

I discovered the $25 device that can protect your files from hackers after my grandmother’s PC got a virus. And this was no ordinary virus, this was a PLAGUE!
She isn’t the most PC literate of people. She was was running antivirus software that was out of date in the 90s, she hadn’t updated her browser in years and wouldn’t think twice about downloading attachments she thought were from her bank.
So we don’t know exactly what caused the infection, but we saw the results.
Her PC was running at a snail’s pace running with weird applications she didn’t remember installing and a ton of popups whenever she wanted to surf the web. .
The worst part was that we think the virus acted as a back door that opened up her PC to hackers. This meant her personal information including her bank account details could have been stolen.
This was a real doomsday scenario we were desperate to avoid.

How Does it Work?

First we tried putting her PC into safe mode and running antivirus software. But there isn’t any antivirus software in existence that can get rid of 100% of threats.
Her PC was still running crazy slow and likely still infected, so we thought we’d have to dump it and spend $750 on a new one. But thankfully, when searching online for advice, I found out about the Xtra-PC and all our prayers were answered.
Quick Summary - Every year people lose $21 billion in credit card theft because of hackers breaking into laptops and PCs. The Xtra-PC is a $25 USB stick that can avoid the risk of your private files being stolen and improves performance at the same time

No Hard Drive? No Problem!

Amazingly, Xtra-PC even works on computers with no hard drives. That's right! Broken, damaged, or just plain missing – Xtra-PC will have your computer running like new again even without a hard drive!

What Can I Do With My Like-New Computer?

Everything! With Xtra-PC, there's simply no need to spend hundreds of dollars on a new computer – only to have it peter out on you in another year or two. It makes no sense. But getting Xtra-PC does (which is why the big computer companies are so against this incredibly powerful little device). With Xtra-PC you'll be able to do the things you normally do...
  • Surf the web
  • Share on social media
  • Write emails
  • Watch videos
  • Play games
  • Safely shop online
  • And more!
Heck, you can even add other programs to your computer if you wanted to. Want to download Skype? No problem, with Xtra-PC, you can.

How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?

This is not a joke. Xtra-PC is only $24.99! That's right – ONLY 25 bucks! And they offer a 30-Day money back guarantee. There honestly is no good reason not to try Xtra-PC.
You can get Xtra-PC direct from the company's website here. Make sure to buy it from the official site as there are many knockoffs on the market today.

Why Are Parents Loving Xtra-PC?

"My 9 year old daughter wanted to get a computer for herself. But I certainly wasn't going to spend $500 on a new computer. I had an old Toshiba computer from my college days packed away collecting dust so when I heard about Xtra-PC I decided to give it a try and WOW – AMAZING!!! My old, slow Toshiba from a decade ago is like new again. A little $25 investment saved me hundreds!"

So, Are You Sitting On A New Computer (But Just Don't Know It?)

Now that you know about Xtra-PC and what it can do for your old computer, the question isn't, “Do you have an old, slow, useless computer sitting around?” The question is, Do you have a new, blazing fast, ready-to-use-for-anything computer that you need to go find and resurrect?
Start enjoying that lightning fast computer as quickly as possible by following these steps:
  • Step 1: Simply Order Xtra-PC and get it delivered in about 1 week.
  • Step 2: Plug it in and reboot your computer.
  • Step 3: Sit back and enjoy your new fast PC.
TIP: Xtra-PC makes a great gift for anyone who has an old slow computer, but doesn't have or want to spend a ton of their hard-earned money on a new one!

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